Top 10 Reasons to Join

1-Receive more business and more leads.

In just a minute or two you can set up your account today to let other agents nationwide know you are open for business accepting real estate referrals.

2-Get paid for your real estate referrals!

All of our partner agents agree to pay, AND get paid for, their closed real estate referrals. With you now have no need to track down referral agreements or cold call agents in specific areas to find out if they will pay referral fees.

3- Get paid for ALL your real estate referral(s) fee.

Unlike our competitors, we don’t want to take any more of your commission if you’re giving or receiving a referral. No one should. Sign up, give and receive more referrals, make more money and contacts.

4.Connect easily to referral partners.

Our database, platform, and referral tracking system makes giving, and getting paid on, referrals easy and seamless.

5. Communicate with up to three vetted agents before passing on your valuable lead information.

Our system allows you to communicate via any means possible with potential referral partners. We do not attempt to, “take”, your lead and then place it. You place it with the agent that is a best fit for you and your client. All enrolled partners must sign a referral agreement so that part is already taken care of before you ever contact any or our referral partners. Once both parties (referral agent and receiving agent) agree to the referral the agreement is pre-filled and downloadable.

6. Referral business is easy, cheap, and requires very little marketing.

No more calling leads endlessly or paying for numerous crappy lead sources. When you accept referrals on, your effective marketing cost is preset before you ever contact the lead, work with them, or close the deal.

7. Referral business is easy than traditional real estate sales.

Most real estate professionals who work with referrals find that the referral ONLY interviews them. In fact, over 90% of real estate sales, are either referrals or past client transactions. As such, the conversion on bonified referrals is much easier, takes less time and energy, and pays great with no upfront fee until the business is closed. Professionals giving out referrals soon realize their time for ensuring payment on a sale takes about as long as filling out a referral agreement. For both sides, referral business is fast, easy, and lucrative.

8. Referrals are a great way to make money without all the work!

Get paid for your relationships, not the grind!

9. Being a referral agent helps you help more clients.

Whether you want more referrals, want somewhere to source your referrals, or just want to try out Signing up is easy, free, and will help your grow your business.

10.Referrals are fun!

With a professional referral network, you will make more money, meet more people, help more clients. Expanding and cultivating your referral network has never been this easy!